Action Physical Therapy & Chiropractor


Location details

1680 SE Lyngate Dr Suite 203, Port St. Lucie, FL, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 99 reviews
ROMW 3 reviews


5mos 3w
The whole team is happy, efficient and like to help people. It is the best physical and chiropractic therapy in the Treasure Coast Florida. Spreading the word they work with all ages, no rude employees and they are really good at what they do and everyone is caring and smiling and that's important when a patient is coming for help cause we know we need help from our choose or the doctors depending on your insurance. This place does Manuel massage and that makes a bid difference too soon with stretching a small exercises.
5mos 3w
The whole team is happy, efficient and like to help people. It is the best physical and chiropractic therapy in the Treasure Coast Florida. Spreading the word they work with all ages, no rude employees and they are really good at what they do and everyone is caring and smiling and that's important when a patient is coming for help cause we know we need help for yourself or the doctors depending on your insurance. This place does Manuel massage and that makes a bid difference too soon with stretching and small exercises.
5mos 3w
The whole team is happy, efficient and like to help people. It is the best physical and chiropractic therapy in the Treasure Coast Florida. Spreading the word they work with all ages, no rude employees and they are really good at what they do and everyone is caring and smiling and that's important when a patient is coming for help cause we know we need help for yourself or the doctors depending on your insurance. This place does Manuel massage and that makes a bid difference too soon with stretching and small exercises.

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  • Monday 9AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-7PM
  • Thursday 2-7PM
  • Friday 9AM-5PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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