Affordable Auto Repair & Smog


Location details

121 S Wilson Way, Stockton, CA, USA

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ROMW 1 review


Sandra Stewart Stewart
4mos 2d
Hello All, you should know Mechanic is the most Knowledgeable, reasonably price, and provides great customer service to his auto repair shop. While owning my 370z Nissan couldn't find what was wrong with my car. Nissan had my car for over three weeks. Yes, they provided me a loaner. I was on why 99 going a little excessive speed in the fast lane. My car engine stopped. Of course, I panic. Nissan constantly told me they couldn't identify the problem. In the third week, I called the manufacturer to no avail. I drove it with the same problem which continued to happen Someone referred us to Afforable @ 121 Wilson Way. He had it for over a week. As we checked in he said “I've experienced the engine shutting down” At the end of that week, he found the problem
PLEASE I HIGHLY suggest you check him out before you go anywhere else, EVEN the DEALER. I put my word on my situation and recommendations. My WORD IS MY BOND

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  • Monday 9AM-6PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-6PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-6PM
  • Thursday 9AM-6PM
  • Friday 9AM-6PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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