Affordable Locksmith


Location details

1622 Becklow Pl, Fort Wayne, IN, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 62 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Knick Middleton
7mos 2w
So glad i found this place!

I spent the entire weekend trying to figure out a replacement for my lost Prius keys. I called more than 8 places and spent $200 dollars on towing only to be sent home at 5:00pm without a resolution.

I should have called Affordable Locksmith 1st!

It took 30 minutes from when I called Affordable Locksmith to get a new key and a spare. The locksmith was fast, friendly, and professional. I hope I never lose my keys again, but if I do I know who to call first.

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  • Monday 9AM-9PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-9PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-9PM
  • Thursday 9AM-9PM
  • Friday 9AM-4:30PM
  • Saturday 9AM-8PM
  • Sunday 9:30AM-7PM

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