Animal Hospital of Rochester


Location details

1150 University Ave, Rochester, NY, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 217 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Tim Kish
1mo 4w
Dr. BRENDA BUCK was extremely rude and very unprofessional while trying to tell us about our dogs possible health issue. She blamed us for not being able to get into a vet appointment sooner even tho calling her office is like trying to reach the president. She stormed out the room like a child after yelling at us when my wife tried to tell her she was being rude. Buck did not even finish explaning what the issue was or the medication. She should find a new line of work because clearly she cant handle simple human interaction. HOWEVER the nurse John was amazing, polite and should be the vet. He was great!

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  • Monday 8AM-6PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-6PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-2PM
  • Thursday 8AM-6PM
  • Friday 8AM-6PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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