Anytime Fitness


Location details

4900 Canal St, New Orleans, LA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 505 reviews
ROMW 1 review


chantal brousseau
3mos 2w
These people are money grabbers of the worst kind! Signed up with hubby, and next day decided we'd go to another better gym. They told us we had 72 hours to cancel. We have yet to get our money back even though we canceled the next day by email as directed. They also charge a $55.00+ fee for a little plastic key fob to open the door when no staff is around.....of course they don't want to refund that.....and they charge another $50. for equipment enhancement fee twice a year, with would have been a month after our sign up (we were getting a month membership to try out), but you would have to tell them now that you quit to avoid that fee. The guy, David, was rude to me because I was reading the fine print (and later called ME rude!), and after getting me email, he threatened me with financial ruin if I refused to let go of the money I had paid. Also, they apparently share our information with the other staff members. All of this is recorded in the emails......that I promptly sent to my attorney! My advice is , stay away from this place!

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