ARK Property Management


Location details

26600 Schoenherr Rd, Warren, MI, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 34 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Kelly Smith
8mos 2w
They lied to me I paid for all paint floor tiles everything out my pocket say it passed inspection yet outlet was wrong outlet fire department came had to shut off power to half house tub peeling brought fence they refuse to reach out to owner always want fees with no work they had the nerve to cuss at me all bad told them I will see them in court lied about my deposit still haven't said what bank it's being held just no meeting of the minds only thing I know is until I get a lease been here from 2017 till 2024 now no walk through all upgrades were out my pocket labor paying ppl so yes let's go to court I want all my out of pocket expenses and mental stress

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