Arkansas Veterinary Emergency & Specialists


Location details

11619 Pleasant Ridge Rd, Little Rock, AR, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 573 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Mortimer Snerd
6mos 3w
Stay far away from these pet killers! Took our precious Timmy Tomcat to them, he’d been very very sick and hadn’t eaten or drank in days. They said give us $2800 and we’ll keep him tonight. They called next morning, said he was eating and drinking, so we could come get him. Got him home, and he was neither eating nor drinking! Still very very sick! Couldn’t stand up! Throwing up!

He DIED the very next day!! If they had any scruples, they’d give my money back! Stay away from these killers!

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  • Monday 6AM-5:30PM
  • Tuesday 6AM-6PM
  • Wednesday 6AM-6PM
  • Thursday 6AM-6PM
  • Friday 6AM-5:30PM
  • Saturday 6AM-5:30PM
  • Sunday 6AM-5:30PM

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