ASC Heating & Air


Location details

410 W Rhapsody Dr Suite C, San Antonio, TX, USA

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 1 review


Joe Rodriguez
2w 7h

I had an incredible experience with ASC Heating & Air this past Sunday morning. My outside unit went out unexpectedly, and I desperately needed help. At 8 a.m., I called Ron and his team at ASC Heating & Air. Ron answered promptly and was incredibly helpful in arranging for a technician to come to my home. I was impressed when Craig arrived by 10 a.m., even earlier than promised!

Craig conducted a thorough investigation of my outside unit and quickly identified the problem: a burned-out capacitor. He efficiently replaced it, and my AC was up and running again. Craig didn't stop there; he noticed that my fan was running at a high speed, which likely caused the failure. He showed me the measurements, explaining what they should be and what they were, which I greatly appreciated.

Craig took the initiative to stated he would work to create an action plan to ensure my unit runs optimally in the future. His dedication to getting the results I was happy with and his outstanding customer service were truly impressive. Without a doubt, Craig's service was a 10 out of 10!

Because of this exceptional experience, I will be subscribing to their VIP service for the peace of mind that comes from knowing I can rely on Ron and his team at ASC Heating & Air. Highly recommended!

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