Auto Collision Center


Location details

3701 Mattox St Suite B, El Paso, TX, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 110 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Daniel Salmon
8mos 3w
Professional. Trustworthy. Quality work. This was the second time I have taken my 2008 Ram 1500 to Auto Collision Center. The first time was for my front end, when they replaced the upper and lower control arms - have not had any issues since. After taking my truck to another shop to get the drive-train looked at, and having numerous issues and failures I went back to Auto Collision Center and they quickly identified the underlying issue. They are great. I won't take my vehicle elsewhere because their work can be trusted. I'm the third person in the family to have my vehicle worked on here. The entire team there great.

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  • Monday 7AM-5PM
  • Tuesday 7AM-5PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-5PM
  • Thursday 7AM-5PM
  • Friday 7AM-5PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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