BOSA Acupuncture & Wellness


Location details

346 Seneca St, Buffalo, NY, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 136 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Walt Cline
9mos 1w
Bosa Accupuncture and wellness in Downtown Buffalo NY might be a key player in your return to ‘FULL’ function. The non traditional Accupuncture can unlock movement abilities long forgotten by the body ( resulting from sedentary lifestyle, years of bad habitual movement or injury ). The service can make or break a return to the field for athletes in record time … but it can also resurrect long forgotten muscular control for people of all ages. I’m excited for my own mother (70yrs Old) to give it a try this month.

I would strongly recommend for anyone looking to have a breakthrough with their physical abilities and overall health & wellness.

Walt Cline
Sports Performance Coach / Consultant
AMPS Training Systems

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  • Monday 9AM-5PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-5PM
  • Wednesday 9:30AM-6PM
  • Thursday 9AM-5PM
  • Friday 9AM-3PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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