Bud's Tire Pros


Location details

22510 Alessandro Blvd, Moreno Valley, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 277 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Karen Hardin
7mos 3w
I went in to get my tire plugged due to picking up some large debris on my commute yesterday morning. Called and was told it would be an over two-hour wait but what choice could I make, I wanted to make it home safely. Staff were understanding and said they'd get it done as quickly as they could. My over two-hour wait turned into only an hour (two other people in front of me). Thank you for taking care of me and getting me back on the road.

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  • Sunday 9AM-5PM
  • Monday 7:30AM-6PM
  • Tuesday 7:30AM-6PM
  • Wednesday 7:30AM-6PM
  • Thursday 7:30AM-6PM
  • Friday 7:30AM-6PM
  • Saturday 7:30AM-6PM

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