Canadian Tire


Location details

Broadmead Village Shopping Centre, 801 Royal Oak Dr, Victoria, BC, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 724 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Brett Young
7mos 3w
Don't get automotive work done at Canadian tire broadmead. They installed a timing chain in my truck i took it back a week later they said it was fine just needed to break in. The mechanic Steve who did the work assured me it was good and i would get 150000 kms out of it. I got 14k out of it. They use after market parts which failed.. they lied to me . I am suing them and i would never recomend this mechanic or shop.

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  • Sunday 9a.m.-6p.m.
  • Monday 8a.m.-7p.m.
  • Tuesday 8a.m.-7p.m.
  • Wednesday 8a.m.-7p.m.
  • Thursday 8a.m.-7p.m.
  • Friday 8a.m.-7p.m.
  • Saturday 8a.m.-6p.m.

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