Carrion Accident & Injury Attorneys



Experiencing a car accident in New York City can be an incredibly distressing event, with the potential to disrupt your life significantly. The aftermath often includes substantial injuries and property damage, all stemming from the negligence of a reckless driver. This sudden twist of fate can leave you feeling overwhelmed as you strive to ensure that you take all the necessary steps to address the situation promptly. Unfortunately, finding peace of mind can become a daunting task, especially when dealing with the intricacies of personal injury liability laws in Queens. Here at Carrion Accident & Injury Attorneys, we empathize with the challenges you're facing during this difficult time. Our Queens car accident lawyers are committed to advocating for your rights and pursuing the financial compensation you rightfully deserve. We will work tirelessly to hold those responsible accountable for their actions and seek justice on your behalf. By entrusting your case to us, you can focus on your recovery while we navigate the complexities of the legal system, aiming to ease your burdens and secure a favorable outcome.

Location details

116-06 Myrtle Ave #407, Queens, NY, USA

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