CB Properties


Location details

1060 Brookfield Rd, Memphis, TN, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 490 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Rachel Lee
4mos 2w
The professionalism with in the office is very rude. On August 6, 2024 I contacted the company’s office in regard's to a documentation they were requesting. Vasti Gracia answers the phone I explained to her the rental company Im renting though only had two options in reference to the rental ledger so was very rude and unprofessional about the situation. I then went in to the office to allow her to talk with the company. She informed me I was denied due to my rental ledger a document that she states via email that dont accept. I left and Called their office several times no answer intentionally, then Shelby then called stating why are u still calling my agent! Which I was calling to ask if im still able to apply to other properties or not. I asked for a cooperative number or someone over them no answer back.

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  • Monday 9AM-4PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-4PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-4PM
  • Thursday 9AM-4PM
  • Friday 9AM-4PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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