Centurion Real Estate Management, LLC


Location details

1365 Commercial St SE, Salem, OR, USA

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 1 review


The Reverend of Outlaws
5mos 2d
Larry lyons and this company needs to work together when renting his homes on same property in Jefferson, his daughter left house a mess very dirty but Centurion DID NOTHING to check house before we moved in, larry had us move in asap so his other daughter could move in the cottage we were in, his other daughter didnt clean like she was supposed, when dealing with larry who says hes under centurion then its also his fault for not having his daughter clean and fix what was dirty or broken as well, then you get larry who talks out loud about his personal issues with of his wife and life insurance on her when she leaves, he talks like this to his renters when he shouldn’t and he will say one thing then two face while centurion is not im the picture of whats going on cause Larry lyons did not include then we get into a unfortunately situation. So be careful anyone who rents from this place especially with larry lyons involved in Jefferson Oregon
345 N 3rd street
329 church street
Both in Jefferson and by Larry but under Centurion

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