Century Plumbing and Heating


Location details

34 Sioux Rd, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 56 reviews
ROMW 1 review


3mos 2w
I was optimistic about Century Plumbing due to their positive reviews. There conflict resolution is non-existent and communication very poor.

Unfortunately, there was an issue with the repair work done a Friday afternoon. I immediately contacted them Saturday morning. Having not heard from them by mid day the following Wednesday (five days after their visit), I phoned them. I was told Vanessa was handling my file and she would email me. I received the email a few hours later to which I replied the same day.

It has now been eight days since that email -- no reply. This is 13 days after the work. Totally unacceptable.

I would not recommend to anyone.

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