Champion Replacement Windows of Wichita


Location details

1835 S West St, Wichita, KS, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 168 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Gary Fleming
2mos 3w
I would go lower if I could. These guys in Wichita Ks are crooks! Do not hire them. I had them install siding 2 years ago and their crew removed and reinstalled my 5 exterior lights incorrectly. Should have been covered by their fantastic warranty right, well guess again. I’ve been fighting with them ever since and they continue to refuse to honor their warranty. They wanted me to fix it first saying it was simple, which isn’t. Then they said they did have any records of my complaints. Now they are saying it was storm damage! WHAT!!! These guys are liars! If these guys try to sell you their over priced product due to the fantastic warranty, SLAM THE DOOR IN THEIR FACE!!!

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