ChiroCare Chiropractic


Location details

838 Old George Washington Hwy N, Chesapeake, VA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 44 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Robert warren
10mos 1w
Dr. Jordan has shown and described detail chiropractic regimen that we would have to take to allow back pain relief. I’ve completed his regimen and continue with my visits so that I will no longer experience the back pains I’ve had. Once you give Dr Jordan your detail problems and pain levels you will soon be set on a path of pain relief when you both pinpoint the problem’s you have.

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  • Monday 9AM-12PM,2-6PM
  • Tuesday 1-6PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-12PM,2-6PM
  • Thursday 1-6PM
  • Friday 9AM-2PM
  • Saturday Closed
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