Choco Tree Service


Location details

607 Mt Prospect Ave, Newark, NJ, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 25 reviews
ROMW 1 review


8mos 4w
Acquired company from doing work In neighborhood. They were hired to prune, make safe, and balance tree (Trimming of the entire tree). What you see is the final product; ugly in appearance and not complete. They were gross in their work dropping limbs on garages and even breaking the fence in multiple spots, some of which was caught on RING camera.

Ronald (Owner) is responsive but was not present on day of work and subsequently stopped answering once questioned about work. Spend the extra money and go with a more reliable company in the Essex, Bergen, Hudson County area.

**After Ronald saw review he texted me, calling me a S@n of B#tch, threatening me with "problems'' if i don't remove**

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