Christensen Law - Personal Injury Attorney


Location details

615 Griswold St Suite 515, Detroit, MI, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 216 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Patricia Hunter
2mos 1w
I would recommend Christensen Law company to anyone looking for an attorney. I had the pleasure of working with attorney Paul Moceri during my intake. He was extremely empathetic and demonstrated a profound understanding of my personal situation. He exhibited empathy throughout the legal process. This helped me greatly in navigating this difficult time. He did so in a way that I could understand and was very prompt and clear with communication throughout the entire process. He was thorough and patient in answering all of my questions. Mr. Moceri is a very competent and knowledgeable lawyer to have on your team. He was able to give me guidance on the best course of action for my case. This has saved more time and money. Despite communicating with multiple lawyers before him, none of them provided me with the level of expertise he did.

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