C&J Mobile Mechanic & Auto Repair ™


Location details

1801 S Jordan Ave, Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 263 reviews
ROMW 2 reviews


Sherry tomsin
11mos 2w
Craig gets rude with customers and repermands his employees in front of customers dose not keep his word on his parts if you deal with any one else in the shop its grate but also keep in mind if you talk to Craig be ready for a hour long conversation about his life not your car
Connie Northcott
1mo 2w
Craig took a $1000 from my 88 yrs old Dad for a 53 Chevy car and he has yet to give my Dad his money or the car and this has been going on since June he is NOT an honest person. He takes advantage of the elderly.

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  • Monday 8AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-7PM
  • Thursday 8AM-7PM
  • Friday 8AM-7PM
  • Saturday 9AM-5PM
  • Sunday Closed

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