Class A Locksmith


Location details

Moreno Valley, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 323 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Tina Gordon
1mo 3w
Having a car key made they came out to my home and they tried to make a key they made a few none of them worked they were only going to charge me $25 but the last minute it worked so they charged me full price the first time I drove the car I got stranded for a half hour till I jiggled the key enough for the car to turn over. A few weeks later the key doesn't work at all I asked for reimbursement or they could make me another key and neither could they do . So I'm just out $150

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  • Monday 4:30AM-10PM
  • Tuesday 4:30AM-10PM
  • Wednesday 4:30AM-10PM
  • Thursday 4:30AM-10PM
  • Friday 4:30AM-10PM
  • Saturday 4:30AM-10PM

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