CornerStone Real Estate, Inc.


Location details

120 Westlake Rd, Fayetteville, NC, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 141 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Denisse Aguilar
1mo 1w
BEWARE!! This rental company is horrible!! They are very disrespectful women in this office and they mistreat their tenants as soon as you sign a lease. I have had 3 inspections in 6 months of renting a house with them. Two of these woman have yelled at me as if I was they kid and I just had another one call me to discuss an issue over the phone and yelled at me for no reason! Instead of trying to find a solution. They are very unprofessional and during their 3rd home inspections they opened every single door inside and outside the house. I do not recommend this realtor for anybody! They sure will put tenants in one of the most ugly and nasty experiences that they could possibly be. Very cheap price for the house but also very low class women full of anger. Please be careful before you sign a lease with these woman that will not let you live a comfortable life if you are under a contract with them!

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