Cortez Landscaping


Location details

Minneapolis, MN, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 74 reviews
ROMW 1 review


4mos 1w
Recent Landscape Refresh.
Removed truckloads of rock and replaced with dark brown mulch.
Removed and replaced 3300 square feet of grass with Kentucky Bluegrass.
Redesigned original landscape of 1999. A fresh new look.
We love it.
Cindy and Stan

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  • Monday 7:30AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 7:30AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 7:30AM-7PM
  • Thursday 7:30AM-7PM
  • Friday 7:30AM-7PM
  • Saturday 7:30AM-7PM
  • Sunday 7:30AM-7PM

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