Done Right Heating &AC


Location details

Jackson, MS, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 333 reviews
ROMW 1 review


KenTeecia Coleman
4mos 2w
I have been dealing with A/C issues since I moved into this rental, which was months ago. My landlord sent about 6 or 7 different men to my home and neither one of them did nothing. Me and my family had to suffer in the heat for months. I had to find someone myself to get it done and DONE RIGHT. I ended up finding Mr. Lashon and his crew had the job done in no time; him and his crew’s work was very professional from start to finish. They had a passion for their services and cared. Those men work in the scorching heat- you don’t hear any complaining. Their hard work is worth the pay .God bless them!!! Thank you all once again!

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