Durham tires


Location details

491 Ritson Rd S, Oshawa, ON, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 200 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Sarah Marie
1yr 1w
VERY DISAPPOINTED! I was yelled at by all the employees there but one and put down as a person in front of the entire store. I would not suggest going there as they have no respect and only care about 1 thing, money.

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  • Monday 9a.m.-6p.m.
  • Tuesday 9a.m.-6p.m.
  • Wednesday 9a.m.-6p.m.
  • Thursday 9a.m.-6p.m.
  • Friday 9a.m.-5p.m.
  • Saturday 9a.m.-4p.m.
  • Sunday 10a.m.-4p.m.

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