DZ Moving and Storage


Location details

1733 Research Dr, Louisville, KY, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 333 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Reeek Forever
1mo 4w
Worst experience and most unprofessional service I have ever experienced. I have been 3 weeks waiting on my delivery. I have been threatened and by Zack who is supposed to be the operations manager, and lied to multiple times. If you have any other option on this earth go with that.I would not entrust this company to deliver with integrity and your merchandise. I have had to contact the company I bought the merchandise from and asked to have someone reliable to deliver to me that not being DZ moving.

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  • Tuesday 8AM-9PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-9PM
  • Thursday 8AM-9PM
  • Friday 8AM-9PM
  • Saturday 8AM-9PM
  • Sunday 8AM-9PM

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