E Street Auto Repairs


Location details

2670 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 32 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Cornelius Sierhuis
6mos 3d
Siaid was amazing. Best interaction, the best service, and a very honest and trustworthy mechanic. A very rare find these days. E Street auto is the diamond in the rough or the needle in the haystack. Can not say enough good things about this shop. Attentive to detail, responsive on the phone, really listens well, and cares. Able to think outside the box and troubleshoot like no one else. This shop has a very bright future. HIGHLY RECOMMEND to anyone who has encountered any mechanical problem with their vehicle. So grateful to have found this shop. You will be too. Fabulous customer service delivering terrific results for a very fair and reasonable price. Thank you so much E Street Auto :)

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