Fitness 19


Location details

364 S Indian Hill Blvd, Claremont, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 210 reviews
ROMW 1 review


laura johnston
6mos 2w
So disappointed that district manager has decided to cancel a morning Zumba class. I have been attending morning classes, for the last 2 years. And yes sometimes the attendance is low, and other days higher. You are canceling a class that is mostly retired women, we are seniors, night classes are not convenient for us. One day a week is not enough, most of us attend both of Brandi’s classes. Not a good call to target our age group.

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  • Sunday 7AM-7PM
  • Monday 4AM-11PM
  • Tuesday 4AM-11PM
  • Wednesday 4AM-11PM
  • Thursday 4AM-11PM
  • Friday 4AM-9PM
  • Saturday 7AM-7PM

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