Fort Worth Strong


Location details

1510 W Magnolia Ave, Fort Worth, TX, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 51 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Alan Marshall
1mo 2w
I just finished the Fort Worth Strong Nutrition Challenge and it was fantastic. I was very surprised that some small changes in my diet can make big changes in my overall health.
Eating more meals and a higher protein level allow for gains in body mass and lower body fat percentage.
Following this program along with the Fort Worth Strong group classes, gave me the goals that I wanted. Fat percentage loss and strength gains.
Looking forward to seeing I can accomplish in the future.

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  • Monday 5:30AM-1PM,3-7PM
  • Tuesday 5:30AM-1PM,3-7PM
  • Wednesday 5:30AM-1PM,3-7PM
  • Thursday Closed
  • Friday 5:30AM-1PM,3-5:30PM
  • Saturday 9-10AM
  • Sunday Closed

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