Fotografo Theo Ramirez


Location details

159 Radford St, Yonkers, NY, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 20 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Bless the Lord
1mo 2w
I recommend this photographer 100%. He is very respectful and punctual. He works to accommodate a favorable schedule and reasonable cost.

The photos are beautiful and are delivered in good time, quickly. He helped us have a nice experience by taking his time to capture our photos in different places and in different ways, which are memorable. During the session, it was a calm time, where he took his time and the smiles came out naturally, which made it more fun.

It's good that when capturing special moments we can choose someone who takes their time, who can guide and who is flexible, which Theo Ramírez is. We recommend him for any event since he delivers perfect work and the most important thing is that he works with people and offers the best service.

Me and my husband had a nice experience capturing those photos of our anniversary and we had a great time. If you are looking for a photographer, don't think twice, 100% recommended, the photos and comments say it all!

Make your appointment and you won't regret it!

Recomiendo a este fotógrafo 100%. Es muy respetuoso y puntual. Trabaja para adaptarse a un horario favorable y un costo razonable.

Las fotos son hermosas y se entregan a tiempo y rápidamente. Nos ayudó a tener una experiencia agradable al tomarse su tiempo para capturar nuestras fotos en diferentes lugares y de diferentes maneras, que son memorables. Durante la sesión fue un momento tranquilo, donde se tomó su tiempo y las sonrisas le salieron con naturalidad, lo que la hizo más divertida.

Es bueno que a la hora de capturar momentos especiales podamos elegir a alguien que se tome su tiempo, que pueda guiar y que sea flexible, como lo es Theo Ramírez. Lo recomendamos para cualquier evento ya que hace un trabajo perfecto y lo más importante es que trabaja con la gente y ofrece el mejor servicio.

Mi esposo y yo tuvimos una linda experiencia al capturar esas fotos de nuestro aniversario y la pasamos muy bien. Si buscas fotógrafo no lo pienses más, 100% recomendado, las fotos y comentarios lo dicen todo!

¡Pide tu cita y no te arrepentirás!

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  • Monday 8AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-7PM
  • Thursday 8AM-7PM
  • Friday 8AM-7PM
  • Saturday 9AM-5PM
  • Sunday Closed

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