Galbraith's Landscaping & Lawn Care


Location details

7945 Stellhorn Rd, Fort Wayne, IN, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 62 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Lindsay Lehman
1mo 2w
Terrible experience is leading us to sever all ties with the landscaper we have used for 20 years. It took two and a half months for them to show up to complete the work after we approved the quote. While they were doing the job, they disconnected wires for landscaping lights they had previously installed. It took another 2 months for them to return and repair the connections to the lights. Then they sent us a bill for hundreds of dollars for the repair work! They want us to pay them for their mistake, and they are now threatening to send us to collections. Would not recommend this business to anyone!

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  • Monday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Thursday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Friday 8AM-5:30PM
  • Saturday 9AM-4PM
  • Sunday Closed

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