Gettler Construction Inc - ADU Builder


Location details

Garden Grove, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 17 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Sue Davis
4mos 2d
Worst company ever. If you are getting a proposal from Jason Gettler or any other company that he is working under run fast don't believe anything he says or gives to you in writing or via text or e-mail. My contract started with him April 2023 for an addition and remodel of kitchen. As of today Jason Gettler and all of his staff and employees have not been back to my house since May 7, 2024 to finish the job/contract. Over 145,000.00 damages that I now need to get fixed. Don't trust Jason Gettler, his supervisor/co worker he has worked with for 7 years Ricardo Gomez, his electrician Sergio, his plumber Kenny, his roofers who's names he would never give me, his insulation people he would never give me. He says he runs his business out of HB, however if you search his name there are many companies that it looks like he is connected to including Manifest Construction Inc, Gettler Inc, Orange County Sublimation LLC. He is a criminal, he breached his contract with me, he owes me money for items he never completed even though he agreed to fix them. Don't trust him or anyone he is connected with or you will be in the same position I am in right now.

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