Green Pastures Landscaping LLC


Location details

2816 E Virginia Beach Blvd, Norfolk, VA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 70 reviews
ROMW 1 review


chris mchugh
1mo 3w
I needed a property we're selling to be cut and trimmed, and the lawn tractor I had (a used Craigslist special) blew the engine the last time I used it halfway through the job of cutting the 1.2 acres we have. Not knowing anyone in the area, we called Green Pastures randomly as their's was the first name we came across. We couldn't be happier with the result. The gentleman who came out and did the estimate and the workers were professional and courteous. They did a fantastic job at a very reasonable price, and went above and beyond making the property look beautiful. I would highly recommend Green Pastures. It was a pleasure working with them. I've got enough stress dealing with preparing the place to be sold, and the lawn and edging, which had gotten a bit out of hand to say the least, now are off the list.

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  • Monday 6AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 7AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-7PM
  • Thursday 7AM-7PM
  • Friday 7AM-7PM
  • Saturday 7AM-7PM
  • Sunday Closed

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