Guy And Gal Salon Chandler


Location details

2040 S Alma School Rd #6, Chandler, AZ, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 59 reviews
ROMW 2 reviews


3mos 4w
I'm so amazing with my hair color cut. Ericka did a great job she's taking her time and did exactly how I want it. I really recommend her to anyone.
Denise Talip
1mo 2d
Ericka just cut and colored my hair on Tuesday the 12th she said what color I said not sure she took me from all white to a reddish brown and people can’t stop staring or talking about how beautiful it looks looks even my husband keeps staring at me he says I look like my old self again and trust me I do I love it and recommend her to anyone you can not go wrong she is the best and takes her time with you
Denise Talip

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  • Monday 10AM-5PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-6PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-6PM
  • Thursday 9AM-6PM
  • Friday 9AM-6PM
  • Saturday 9AM-6PM
  • Sunday Closed

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