Hair by Jimmie Salon & Spa


Location details

425 W Interstate 30, Garland, TX, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 109 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Carmen Johnson
1mo 4w
I went to hair by Jimmie for the first time last week. I was truly amazed at how beautiful she did my hair and made sure that I got what I wanted. She was very friendly and professional but made me feel so comfortable. Her daughter washed my hair and I could have literally gone to sleep, it was the best I ever had. Jimmie cares above her clients having healthy hair. I will continue going there. Everyone in the shop is so kind and friendly. A big thanks for treating me so well!

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  • Monday 8AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-7PM
  • Thursday 12-7PM
  • Friday 10AM-7PM
  • Saturday 8AM-5PM
  • Sunday 10AM-5PM

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