Ian Ho - Mortgage Purchase & Refinance Loan Officer - Infinite Financial LLC


Location details

1050 Queen St Suite 100, Office A2, Honolulu, HI, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 44 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Juston Nichols
2w 3d
Despite being real, it still feels like a dream. Upon discovering this page and the group admin's recommendation, along with other community evaluations confirming its legality, I felt compelled to give HACK WEST a try, trusting that whatever outcome I would have to accept. Helped me raise my credit score from 540 to 810, which surprised me the most. Delinquencies focusing on TU, EQ, and EX were eliminated. In fact, they enhanced my report with a few tradelines, I was able to qualify for a house and car loan afterwards.  Much appreciation to [email protected].

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  • Saturday 8-11AM
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