In Motion O.C. Physical Therapy and Fitness | Irvine, Orange County


Location details

17332 Von Karman Ave #120, Irvine, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 1 review


Todd Bellis
2w 5d
I have been under Doctors guidance for pelvic physical therapy for over two months with great results at the In Motion OC Physical Therapy Irvine Location. With the assistance of my doctor Alexandra Mazza I was able to diversify my treatment by adding in an Aquatic Therapy routine at their Waterworks location in Irvine. This diversification of Therapy treatment has made a significant impact on my pelvic strength in just a short time thanks to the therapy routine created and overseen by Doctor Alexandra and a wonderful staff of physical therapy specialists. Being in the water helps reduces pain, increases mobility and function. The care and concern provided by the receptionists, physical therapists and doctors of In Motion OC is comparable to the best anywhere! With Dr. Alexandra physical therapy means results and results equal a better life with less pain and greater activities to enjoy. If you find yourself in need of some physical adjustments to reclaim your life of mobility then see the best Doctor in town.......Dr. Aexanda Mazza at In Motion OC.
Thanks Todd

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  • Monday 7AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 7AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 7AM-7PM
  • Thursday 7AM-7PM
  • Friday 7AM-7PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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