John's Moving

7 reviews

Location details

1886 Old Cariboo Hwy, Prince George, BC, Canada

Reviews from the web

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ROMW 2 reviews


B Grace
10mos 1w
I hired John's Moving for a scheduled date and time. They never showed up and I was unable to get ahold of anyone at the company. They also, never returned my messages or apologized. I had to get friends to move me last minute.
8mos 3w
I had John move me at the end of January and am so happy with the outcome. I called him a week before the move explaining I wasn't having luck finding a place. I called him the day before the scheduled move telling him I still hadn't found any place that I may have to have them move it to a storage facility and he told me they could keep it in the truck a couple more days so I have more time to search. What a relief to hear that option from him. Well, the next day I called him up and asked him, John did you pray for me yesterday morning when you were at church because I found my new home today! They were over the next morning right on time and the whole time I spent with all 3 men was relaxing comfortable and very efficient and professional. They made my stressful moving day less stressful and very enjoyable. Thank you guys for everything. Sincerely your #1 fan, Brenda 😀

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