Julie Nicole Photography


Location details

242 Chandos Dr, Kitchener, ON, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 164 reviews
ROMW 1 review


1mo 2w
Julie did a wonderful job of photographing me. I received so many compliments on the photos she took. Very knowledgeable on background, lighting and poses. She's fun to work with and great at what she does. I was very pleased with the photos. Highly recommend hiring her.

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  • Monday 10a.m.-5p.m.
  • Tuesday 10a.m.-5p.m.
  • Wednesday 10a.m.-5p.m.
  • Thursday 10a.m.-5p.m.
  • Friday 10a.m.-5p.m.
  • Saturday 10a.m.-5p.m.
  • Sunday 10a.m.-5p.m.

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