K9 Intuition Dog Training


Location details

34451 Weststar Rd, Acton, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 38 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Marissa Artiles
6mos 1w
We recently had the opportunity to have Stefano and Candice train our two rescued Huskies (5 and 7 years old). They are very experienced and knowledgeable, and we came away from the experience feeling confident in our abilities to work with our dogs in a positive manner. Stefano frequently stated he was actually training the humans more than the animals as we needed to overcome our own habits and preconceived notions. We signed up for the 5-week program and it has greatly helped both us and our huskies. We are very happy to have worked with the K9 Intuition program and their trainers to train our pups and HIGHLY recommend them. Their big takeaway is to "always set them up for success".

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