Law Office of Kevin G. Little


Location details

1225 E Divisadero St, Fresno, CA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 39 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Tatyana Batrak
9mos 1w
This attorney is a scam! He creeps around the courtrooms soliciting cases for civil trials, promising clients big payouts. This “attorney” will take your money, file court documents LATE, blaming the clerks for his own incompetence. He won’t respond to you for weeks and misstates codes of law making a complete fool of himself, as well as his client. He will threaten you if you remind him of his ethical duty. He makes amateur mistakes and will stop replying once he sees a case is going South. He does not fight for his clients, but he’ll make sure to remind you that he’s “one of the best lawyers in Fresno” every chance he gets. STAY AWAY!

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  • Monday 8:30AM-5PM
  • Tuesday 8:30AM-5PM
  • Wednesday 8:30AM-5PM
  • Thursday 8:30AM-5PM
  • Friday 8:30AM-5PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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