Lighthouse Lending


Location details

18075 Leslie St Unit #206, Newmarket, ON, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 129 reviews
ROMW 2 reviews


Tracy Grice
1yr 1mo
Lighthouse lending helped we out when I needed it most. Friendly and understanding staff. Knowledgeable about what would be in my best interests. If you need help, I would definitely use this company
Thanks again
Joanne McAuley
7mos 1w
Just a terrible experience trying to secure a loan for $70,000 with Matthew Bingley. After signing the papers, the rate changed from 5.14 to 5.44, AND they wanted me to agree to a 5 year term instead of the three year term I signed for. Who does that?????? To top it off, when the final paperwork arrived they added an EXTRA 8,438 to the 70,000 (giving them MORE interest) Who does that?????

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  • Sunday 8a.m.-10p.m.
  • Monday 8a.m.-10p.m.
  • Tuesday 8a.m.-10p.m.
  • Wednesday 8a.m.-10p.m.
  • Thursday 8a.m.-10p.m.
  • Friday 8a.m.-10p.m.
  • Saturday 8a.m.-10p.m.

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