Little Rock Dermatology Clinic, P.A.


Location details

500 S University Ave, Little Rock, AR, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 270 reviews
ROMW 6 reviews


6mos 4w
I just came across a video on social media involving this company and a lady regarding her three children. After what I viewed this place should be closed! They should not be open for business.
Jasmin Joii
6mos 4w
How dare your staff, green scrubs to be exact, disrespect a mother, speak to her kids and goose they get taken away ! How unprofessional! You are there to help and assist ! I don’t care how stressed out you may be! You had no right to accuse!
6mos 4w
Very disrespectful and antagonizing staff. I wouldn't have my children or family members near this place. It's definitely a NO for me. They will also place their patients in danger just to prove an irrelevant point.
Annette Wynne
4mos 1d
The way your staff interactions with patients no one needs to visit your place of business...You can delete comments but it's a viral video out and it doesn't look good ...all the time she the staff took being aggressive they could have cleaned the spill up and went on working ...sad to be in Little Rock and know we have nurses and doctors like this..
Galisa Allen
3mos 4w
This place is very racist that MA in the green scrubs should lose her job an license because u never talk to a patient like that. I hope they close this place down or the lady go to the news or get a lawyer for discrimination
Jessica Stantz
3mos 3w
Treat people how you would like to be treated and fire green scrubs! Just plain disgusting!

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  • Sunday Closed
  • Monday 8AM-5PM
  • Tuesday 8AM-5PM
  • Wednesday 8AM-5PM
  • Thursday 8AM-5PM
  • Friday 8AM-5PM
  • Saturday Closed

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