
Location details

2121 SW 3rd Ave #101, Miami, FL, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 32 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Gina Valentin-Torres
4mos 2w
I had a great experience at Lotus Counseling. The Admin Team provided patience and empathy with my insurance needs. My Therapist provided such grace and kindness in dealing with my issues. Although this is only my first visit I will be back for a second one.
I would recommend Lotus Counseling for anyone having any type of issues.

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  • Monday 9AM-7:30PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-7:30PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-7:30PM
  • Thursday 9AM-7:30PM
  • Friday 9AM-7:30PM
  • Saturday 10AM-4PM
  • Sunday 10AM-4PM

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