Miami Counseling & Resource Center


Location details

111 Majorca Ave B, Coral Gables, FL, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 66 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Amy Jaffe Nutrition
1mo 2w
As a nutritionist, I work closely with Daniela Gungor, MS, LMHC, collaborating with a team approach to many clients. I know that our shared clients get the best possible psychological care with Daniela. She is experienced, highly skilled and always relates to clients with sincere compassion and understanding. She creates a safe space for vulnerability and I have seen clients transform in response to her disarming personality and professional care. She is at the top of list of my go-to therapists for so many of my clients! In summary, she is a gem!

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  • Monday 8:30AM-7PM
  • Tuesday 8:30AM-7PM
  • Wednesday 8:30AM-7PM
  • Thursday 8:30AM-7PM
  • Friday 8:30AM-4PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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