Michi Acupuncture, LLC


Location details

4025 MacArthur Ave, Richmond, VA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 24 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Alyson Schlobohm
1yr 5d
Carly is an incredible bodyworker! This is coming from a fellow bodyworker. I was thrilled to find someone who offers massage and acupuncture in the same session - and was pleasantly surprised to find out there's so much more to it! From cupping, to Gua Sha, she does it all. I feel like her acupuncture also incorporates some dry needling to really loosen those muscles up. Every session with her is an unforgettable and incredible experience - I HIGHLY recommend booking with her!

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  • Monday 9AM-6:30PM
  • Tuesday 9AM-6:30PM
  • Wednesday 9AM-6:30PM
  • Thursday 9AM-6:30PM
  • Friday 9AM-6:30PM
  • Saturday 9AM-6:30PM
  • Sunday 9AM-5PM

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