Montrose Mall Property Management


Location details

766 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, ON, Canada

Reviews from the web

Google 9 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Abra kadabra
1mo 3w
During my early morning wash at the montrose laundromat I drop a 10 dollar bill from my pocket getting out of my car, unbeknownst to me, I continued into the laundromat. Exiting an hour later a property maintaining worker, cleaning out rubbish and other garbage around the building approached me and pointed out the 10 dollar bill he saw me drop an half hour earlier!!!! I was humbled as this gentlemen would not even take the 10 dollars i offered him for such honesty and integrity! You have one very rare and amazing individual working for you and are so lucky to have him. His name is Soorub, I'm absolutely certain I've spelt that wrong! It was sat nov 2 at around 10 when I had this chance encounter. Please promote him 🙏

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