Mr. Contractor, Inc


Location details

2634 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Reviews from the web

Google 308 reviews
ROMW 1 review


Eileen Lynn
4mos 1w
We started out wanting Mr. Contractor to do over a bathroom and a powder room in a two story row home in South Philly. Then Mr. Contractor told us that the front wall was coming off the house just recently purchased. Then a portion of a rear wall had to be replaced. We needed an architect, an engineer and permits. And, this was occurring during COVID. So we needed to replace windows walls, redo bedrooms, and the living room. Throughout the long process Mr. Contractor was able to handle all this, do a great job and have people working with him that could talk to us. Rebuilding the walls, redoing windows and new lentils, a new roof, drywall, paint and trim as well as two gorgeous bathrooms made this a great reno. We were so fortunate that we were dealing with Ken who knew what he was doing, and although a bit tough on us, kept us on track. And, when a few minor problems occurred after completion, they came back right away to correct the situation. We’re ready to go back to Mr. Contractor for some additional work. I can’t imagine working with someone who didn’t know what they were doing in this unfortunate circumstance. Mr. Contractor and his people know what they are doing and are able to communicate with you throughout the process.

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