Murphy Trial Law



1. We’re a personal injury law firm that provides compassionate and aggressive representation for injured people and their families, using cutting-edge litigation techniques and unparalleled knowledge of the law, to make out clients whole – physically, financially, and emotionally. Our founder, Jason Murphy, has over 17 years of litigation experience helping injured people and their families get full and fair compensation. We will stand for you and fight against insurance companies, corporate bullies, and at-fault parties for to help you fully recover. We will make sure you get the recovery you deserve. Whether it's a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall, work accident, or a wrongful death, we will not rest until you get full compensation. A consultation is free, and there is no fee unless we win your case.

Location details

22722 29th Dr SE UNIT 100, Bothell, WA, USA

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